Anatolian Eagle 2015-1

The Turkish ministry of defence allowed the group to attend the international "Anatolian Eagle exercise at Konya in Turkey on the 17/18 June 2015.
With the exercise now established at Konya (3rd air base of the Turkish Air Force). the well organised event was open to a certain few Aviation enthuisiasts from around the world.

This main exercise headquarters building houses a large briefing room for the crews ground personal. The two emblems at the front of the building show the "Anatolian Eagle" badge on the right and the Konya Air Base badge (3rd air base of the Turkish Air Force) on the left.

The refueling element of the exercise was supported by one of the international contingent. 10+27 Airbus 310 304 MRTT of the German FBS.
The international contingent consisted of F-16A/B from 9 Sqn Pakistan, F-15C/D from 493FS USA, Eurofighter FGR4 from 11 Sqn United Kingdom, EF-18M from Ala 15 Spain and as detailed above Airbus 310 304 MRTT from FBS Germany.
"ZJ933/DF" Eurofighter FGR4 from 11 Sqn taxinig out for departure
"C.15-25/15-12" F-18M from Ala 15 returning back to its operating apron
"83703" F-16A from 9 Sqn on the climb - Note the Squadron nickname on the top of the fin "GRIFFINS"
"86-0156/LN" F-15C on departure for the USA contingent - Note the two Serbian Mig-29 Kill Markings on the Port side under the canopy. 
"88-0037" F-16C-40 of the home nation and 182 Filo
"77-0285" F-4E-2020 from 111 Filo sporting special tail markings - Two units using the F-4E were present for the exercise  (111 and 171 Filo's)
"88-0033" F-16C-40 on the climb from 152 Filo - The exercise hosted many F-16 varients from a multitude of Turkish Squadrons
Another aircraft type for the exercise "13-001" E-7T from 131 Filo based at Konya
Many aircraft visited the event bringing in observers and support for the visiting squadrons

"76-3239" C-12C from the US Embassy based at Ankara
"4180/180" C-130E from 6 Sqn collecting support for the Pakistani F-16 unit
"T.18-4/45-43" Falcon 900B of 451 Esc bringing in observers of the Spanish Air Force
"94-068" CN.235M-100 from 212 Filo bringing in Turkish VIP's
Another rare visitor "J-755" Gulfstream IVSP of 12 Sqn Pakistani Air Force.
Anatolian Eagle has non fixed wing aircraft involved, here "01-2526/526" from Konya based 135 Filo returns from a mission
"BG14-1009" TKK T.129 Turkish built Magusta
"73-1043" F-4E-2020 from 171 Filo  nickname "PIRATES"
"07-1029" F-16D-50+ from 161 Filo arriving back after a sortie. This aircraft being a block 50+ aircraft has conformal tanks
Thanks to:
The Commanding Officer and personnel of Konya Air Station.
Turkish Military Air Attache in London (Capt Ömer Özkan) and the relevant departments within the Turkish armed forces that enable this event to take place.