Anatolian Eagle 2016-1

The Turkish ministry of defence allowed access to this international exercise "Anatolian Eagle" held at Konya Air force base in Turkey from the 08th to the 10th June 2016.
This gave the opperunity for the Aviation Media and press acreditted enthusisasts to view and photograph aircraft from the participating countries of NATO, Netherlands, Italy, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and Turkey.

One of the international visitors to the exercise - F-16B "90618" lifting off on a sortie from 11 Sqn of the Pakistan Air force.

One of the many Turkish Air Force F-16D "90-0024" returning after a mission this example is from 182 Filo based at Diyarbakir.
The international contingent consisted of F-16A/B from 11 Sqn of the Pakistan Air Force, Mix of 6/50 Stormo Italian Air Force Panavia Tornado's, Saudi Arabian Air Force Tornados from 7/75 Sqn's and the refueling element supported by the Netherlands Air Force by a KDC-10 from 334 sqn. The Air Bourne Early Warning element by NATO with the E-3A
One of the international visitors "MM7004/6-55" Tornado IDS from 6 Stormo here recovering back to Konya, with the aid of it's engine reverse thrust capability.
Support for the Saudi contingent "2401" Airbus A-330 243 MRTT from 24 Sqn.  
"82-24053" UH-1H from the home base unit of 135 Filo
Part of the NATO contingent "LX-N90456" E-3A supporting the airbourne control during the exercise. 
"99-2505" AS-532AL from 135 Filo supporting the ground part of the exercise.
"73-1023" F-4E-2020 from 111 Filo the last operational unit with this type in the Turkish Air Force.
"07-1029" F-16D-50 on departure from Konya this aircraft operated by 161 Filo, The exercise hosted many F-16 varients from a multitude of Turkish Squadrons
Another F-16C varient for the exercise "91-0001" from 162 Filo based at Bandirma
"13-003" E-7T from 131 Filo based at Konya
"98-148/148" Casa 235M-100 from 201 Filo collecting support.
"MM62218/46-82" C-27J from 98 Gruppo supporting the Italian Air Force contingent
"73-1027" F-4E - 2020 from 111 Filo returning back to its parking spot
First time visitor to this exercise Turkish Air Force A-400M "13-0009" from 221 Filo supplying support.
F-16A "92731" of the Pakistan Air force taxing out for departure, this example is from 11 Sqn nicknanmed the "Arrows"
Saluting the crowd "93-0658" F-16C from the home unit of 132 Filo based at Konya
Thanks to:
The Commanding Officer and personnel of Konya Air Station.
Turkish Military Air Attache in London (Wing Commander Yasin ÇELİK) and the relevant departments within the Turkish armed forces that enable this event to take place.