ROTA NAS - 2019


A Pre-arranged visit was organised for the society for the 01-04-2019. This was confirmed via the Spanish Naval Ministry of Defence and the Public Relation Officer at Rota NAS.
The visit was conducted with Captain David Mendez Granados (Spanish Naval Public Relation Officer) who was our guide.
He informed us that there was limited flying on the day as the Spanish Aircraft carrier "Juan Carlos I - L61" was on manouvres and most of the operational aircraft from Rota were embarked on the ship. But we were able to view and photograph the ones that were left on the Naval Air Station.
SH-3H "HS.9-17/01-517" pictured here in the original colour scheme of the Spanish Navy - This aircraft is preserved on NAS Rota.
"VA.1A-19" AV-8B II Harrier preserved on a roundabout on NAS Rota
SH-3H "HS.9-16/01-516" from Eslla 005 under routine low level maintenance
SH-3 x3 
"HS.9-16/01-516, HS.9-07/01-507 and HS.9-01/01-501" all SH-3H from Eslla 005 within the hanger under low level maintenance
"HS.23-06/01-1006" SH-60B from Eslla 010 under minor maintenance
SH-60B LAMPS Mk.3 "HS.23-08/01-1008" again from Eslla 010 
Citation II 
"U.20-03/01-407" Cessna Citation 550 of Eslla 004 which was pulled out from the hanger for final checks before departing
Citation III 
"U.21-01/01-408" Cessna Citation 650 is the latest aircraft to enter service with Eslla 004  
"VA1B-35/01-924" AV-8B+ II Harrier intensively stripped down for maintenance - NOTE Due to most of the sevicable aircraft being on the Aircraft Carrier a large area inside the hanger was cordened off.
"VA1B.25/01-918" AV-8B+ from Eslla 009 under routine maintenance
"HS.9-15/01-515" SH-3H from Eslla 005 was left outside awaiting to be cleaned off with fresh water to remove salt water contamination.
SH-3 Cockpit 
With permission from our guide, we were able to take a photograph of the instrument panel and controls on the SH-3H 
SH-3H Dumped 
"HS.9-09/01-509" SH-3H stored on the side of the operational apron - Our guide informed us this aircraft was used for spares recovery.
TAV-8B+ Rear 
"VA.1B-33/01-922" TAV-8-II Harrier from Eslla 009. The only twin seat  AV-8 of the Spanish Navy in service
TAV-8B+ Front 
"VA.1B-33/01-922" Parked in the sun sheds at Rota - These are used to protect the aircraft from the extreme heat of the sun
"HS.23-02/01-1002" SH-60B arrived at Rota during our visit - The Guide informed us, that it had returned from the main fleet involved in the exercise.
SH-60B Noseart
"HS.23-02/01-1002" SH-60B displayed noseart with "AGM-114 A/K Hellfire" with a woman riding a Hellfire missile
AB-212 ASW "HA.18-7/01-311" One of two on station from Eslla 003
AW-139CP "MM81886/11-06" of the Italian Coast Guard was participating in a cross country training exercise with the Spanish Navy during our visit.
"HS.13-6/01-606" H-369HM from Eslla 006 based at Rota for pilot training
H-369HM "HS.13-14/01-615" of Eslla 006
The final section of our visit was to view the new facilities at ASET (Aeronaval Survival and Emergency Training Centre). Which is used to train Naval personel in extreme sea enviroment. With simulated rough weather wind/rain conditions.
Thanks to:
The Spanish Navy and NAS Rota personel
Captain David David Mendez Granados (Spanish Naval Public Relation Officer)
Spanish Ministry of Defence