The Annual NATO Tiger Meet "NTM" was held at Araxos in Greece home of 116 Combat Wing from 09/05/2022 to 20/05/2022. An event was held for Aviation photographers/Enthuisiasts on the 13/05/2022 to view and photograph the participants during the exercise.  

NTM 2022
"001"  F-16C 52+CF from Araxos, wearing the 'Tiger' skin Squadron markings of 335 Mira part of 116 Combat Wing.
"3" E-2C from 4F based at Lann-Bihoue in France was an external asset to the Tiger Meet 2022.
Aircraft participated from the following countries/squadrons at the event .
Aircraft Country Squadron Base
Rafale C/B France EC 3/30 Mont-De-Marsan
Rafale M France 11F Landivisiau
Rafale C/B France ECE 1/30 Mont-De-Marsan
FA-18C/D Switzerland Staffel 11 Meiringen
F-16A/B MLU Belgium 31 Squadron Kleine Brogel
F-16A/B MLU Portugal Esq 301 Monte Real
E-2C France 4F - External/Visitor Lorient
MI-35 Czech Republic 221 Vrl Namest
EF-18+ Spain Ala 15 Zaragoza
F-16C/D Greece 335 Mira Araxos
Eurofighter F/T Italy 36 Stormo/12 Gruppo Gioia-Del-Colle
"026" F-16D 52+DF of the sister squadron of 116 Combat Group, 336 Mira based at Araxos.
The Crew from"4414" AB-205A-1 on SAR Duties from 358 MED based on Araxos having a lunch break. 
"329/30-ID" Rafale B from EC- 01.030 taxing back to parking area after a sortie
Rafale M
"6" Rafale M from 11F of the French Navy based at Landivisiau in France, taxinig back to his parking spot. 
"C.15-28/15-15" EF-18M from Ala 15 returning from a sortie, wearing Tiger marking fuel drop tanks.
Rafale C
 Rafale C "120/30-GA"Sporting a specially marked Tiger scheme from EC-30, one of the NATO Tiger sqadrons
Eurofighter 36 Sormo
Specially marked "MM7324/36-41" Eurofighter F-1 from 36 Stormo of the Italian Air Force returning back to there dispersal.
"MJ755" Spitfire LF.IXc now owned by the Icarus foundation attended the Tiger Meet /Airshow. 
"021" F-16D 52+DF from 335 Mira based at Araxos
Rafale B
Another specially marked aircraft "309/30-HB" Rafale B from EC-30 based at Mont de Marsan in France  
F-16C Special
F-16C 52+CF "93-1045/045" wearing special markings for the NATO Tiger Meet 2022.
A Formation, mainly consisting of the specially marked aircraft join up for a flypast over the Colleseum in Athens.
"FA136" F-16A from 31 Sqn in special Tiger markings for the Belgium Air Force.
Rafale M
"35" Rafale M in special marks for 11F of the French navy based at Landivisiau in France
Mil 35
"3371" Mi 35 from 221 vrl from the Czech Republic. The only pair of Rotary aircraft at the NTM
Thanks to:
The Hellenic Air Force,
335 Mira/116 Combat Wing,
NATO Tiger Association - For arranging access to this event