Czech Republic - 18/02/2015 - 20/02/2015

Members of the group arrived in Pargue on the 18/02/2015. Various out of service aircraft were visited in the vercinity of Prague on the first day.

"0218" Mil 24D used as a static exhibit in a "paint ball" company near Lodemcy.

From here we travelled back into Prague to visit the excellent Kbelly Museum

"3302" Mil 2 exhibited outside at Kbely

"2507" AN-26 with comemerative special markings

"0830" Mil 8T preserved outside

The next day started with a base visit to Namest Nad Oslavou home of 22 ZL

On entrance to the base various aircraft are preserved on the main gate.


Mig 15bis "3908"

"2807" L-29RS

"4209/54" SU-22M-4

"0705" Mil 24V preserved at the 221 lbvr HQ buildings

The visit then proceeded to the new main maintenance hanger for the unit, this was built in conjunction with NATO funding. Both squadrons stationed at Namest are maintained using this hanger facility whether they are Mi-24, Mi-35 or Mi-171.

"9767" Mi-171SH on routine overhaul at Namest in the main maintenance hanger

"9799" Mi-171SH ground running after maintenance at Namest - NOTE the FLIR camera unit fitted to the front of the helicopter underneath

"7357" Mi-24V with 221 vrl  carrying out pre-flight checks prior to a mission. As this unit is a "Tiger" unit note the paw prints on the engine intake covers.

Due to limited hangar space the helicopters can be left outside in all weather conditions without risk of technical failure here "9868" Mi-171SH from 221 vrl being readied for flight.

The third and final day of the visit to the Czech republic started with a visit to 21 zl at Caslav. Home of the JAS-39C/D and L-159T/A

The visit started with a hanger tour - Again all aircraft used with the 21 zl can be maintained within this hanger. A mixture of JAS-39 and L-159 Alca were seen.

To gain access to the engine assembly the L-159 Alca can be split into two sections as shown above on "6062" L-159A

Caslav also has a memorial aircraft park close to the HQ buildings of the base. Here "0108" L-39C is preserved

L-29 "1720/20" is also preserved in the memorial park

MIG-23BN "5733" is one of two MIG-23 aircraft in the memorial park.

MIG-21 MFN "4003" guarding the gate at one of the entrances into Caslav

"2853" L-29 in special "Tiger" markings preserved in front of 211 TL squadron buildings

As 212 TL were not flying with there L-159/L-39 aircraft we proceeded to the 211 TL active flightline

"9820" JAS-39D on the flightline having pre-flight checks by the ground crew

"9241" JAS-39C from 211 TL taxing back after a mission

A nice visitor at Caslav "0001" Registered as an MI-9 from 243 VRL based at Kbely dropped in for a fuel stop

Thanks to:

The Defence Attache for the Czech Republic in London - THe Czech ministry of Defednce in Prague

Captain. Tomáš Maruščák from 21 ztl - Caslav Air Force Base

Miroslav Khol - Kbely Museum - Administrator & Lecturer

CPT Sřivánková, Martin Remeš and CSM Miloš Hošek from 22 zvl - Namest Nad Oslavou Air Base